This Is Our Story.

Emerald Aquascapes was set up by our president and mentor Lorcan Lynch, who is a fish enthusiast with a very fine school of ornamental goldfish, that he cherishes and looks after to keep them happy and healthy.  Lorcan set up the company to help his fellow fish community members with aquascaping by offering to do it for them in an affordable manner.

Lorcan has received many qualifications in his life but the one he talks about most is his QQI in animal welfare.  So to cut to the chase he knows the welfare of animals.  Particularlly fish and practices ethical fish keeping in his daily life, and believes everyone should treat our fishy friends with love and respect.

How Emerald Aquascapes came to be was Lorcan fell on hard times and the only thing that got him through it was his aquarium and nothing else helped him feel at peace.  So he thought how could he help others with finding something that is not only interesting and fun but therapeutic, and thats when he thought about creating something that is not only a business but a family in the fish community.   That's how Emerald Aquascapes was born.

To us aquatics is not only a business or a hobby but its a love and passion that we all share and would like to share with everyone who would like to join the fish community, and to peak the interest of current aquatic community members, to make it easy for them to keep fish and help them out every now and then.  So we all can continue the aquatic adventure together for many fish filled years to come.

Our philosophy is to welcome everyone from all walks of life and all budgets.  We will welcome you to the Emerald Aquascapes family for the epic journey of aquatic discovery for all, because we all can learn from each other.  Education is improtant here at Emerald Aquascapes as we love to learn and teach what we know and have learned from others to keep the circle of knowledge and experience alive and well in the community. 


What Do We Do

Do you know the way people buy aquariums without really considering the long-term maintanence, general emergencies (ie leaks), child safety, holidays, and the overall welfare of the fish?



We help people who own aquariums by keeping them maintained so as to take out the work involved and keeping the enjoyment at the forefront for people who own them, we look after the fish while the owner is on holidays, we come to your rescue when you have an emergency (ie leaks or a sick fish), we educate the owners in ethical fish keeping to ensure the fish is happy and healthy, while making sure the highest safety precautions are in place.

People We Support 

Let's Get Some Emerald In Your Life

Emerald Aquascapes Is Fully Irish Owned

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